Tuesday, May 25, 2021


William Wordsworth

Preface to the Lyrical Ballads

          With the beginning of romantic view of Art by the two schelegel brothers and schelling, Europe soon affected by the romantical view. With that men of genius, such as William Wordsworth and S. T Colridge voiced their protest against neo classicism and it was the main step which rised as the romantic criticism. The critics who were in the romantic period had freedom to inquire the poetry therefore, they ignored rules which made by their ancestors. Then they considered about nature and functions of poetry as well as poetry was no longer considered as imitation instead of it became the expressions of emotion and imagination.

          William Wordsworth who should have given the credit to give a particular shape and direction to English romantic criticism was born in 1770 in North West England. The most prominent idea of him is man and nature are inseparable. And according to him the inspiration is not a divine process. It comes from only the direction experience of the sense.  Using his creativeness he produced most famous works such as Daffodils, Tintern Abbey, Solitary reaper London etc, which famoused only after his death. Additionally his first comprehensive attempt which used to build up a theory of poetry is "PREFACE TO LYRICAL BALLADS". And it was a Revolt against many traditional concepts of poetry as poetic diction and theme.

          Preface to lyrical ballads is a volume of poem that combination of Wordsworth and ST coleridge; first published anonymously in 1798, without  preface only with a brief advertisement. It consists with 23 poem. 19 poems of Wordsworth and only four poems were Colridge's. Then with the Second Edition in 1800,  added detailed preface and with it, the preface became the most important single document which consists about theory of poetry in the history of English criticism.

          So far writers used any subject between heaven and Earth to write poems, but Wordsworth took the incidents, situations and characters from low and rustic life. It was the main feature of his view of the poetry and according to him it also was the principle object in the poem. He defines good poetry or his definition of poetry is the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings and emotions re collected in tranquility". When we break above definition into three stages, the first stage of the poetic process is "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings". The next is their recollection in tranquility and the last is their expressions through poetry.
          However at the first glance that definition seems like a combination of two unsuitable processes. Because it has the spontaneous overflow and at the same time recollection of tranquility. But he says good poetry never is produced with immediate expression of powerful emotions, anyone cannot order a poet to write a poem or poet also cannot write according to their sweet will. The emotion flow out volunteerly, but it has to pass at least four stages to become a good product. They are,

1. observation or perception
2. recollection
3. contemplation
4. composition


          Then as a poet people cannot say anything without thinking and filterring their emotions whether it is good to say or not, and how to say. Therefore with this process poems enlighten the reader and purify their emotions. And poetry gives universal truth, at the same time it brings something infinite to infinite. Hence poetry superior to history and philosophy. It appeals to Heart and Soul therefore, it is superior to Science as well. Though according to traditional poets,  pleasure and instruct were the functions of poetry Wordsworth revealed pleasure as the function. But it is not a mere thing which makes man happy inspite of it is increased knowledge and understanding of man and then makes a man wise. So that it leads man to see their life from a vantage point of view.

          The chief words of the preface are, "poet uses humble and rustic life".

  "Humble and rustic life was generally chosen because the passions of the heart can attain their maturity and speak a plainer and more emphatic language".
Because of their simplicity, not sophisticated they are the suitable way to speak. And rather than words and subjects of the city he chosed from the countryside as the truth of nature to make poetry.

          Then he rejects the standard poetic diction with the consideration of their figures, mataphors, similes and others as the unnecessary decorations which aroused disgust rather than pleasure. Instead of he defines poetic diction as a language of common man. Because of the naturality of the common man's ; spontaneous and instinctive.  As well as he mentioned that poetic diction must not contain vulgarity and disgusting elements.

"Poet is a man of Greater sensibility,  observation, reflection, imagination and greater powers of communication."

Then poet is the person who put others above philosophy using poetry. Moreover he differ from others because poet's sensibility leads them to observe more deeply than other and that observation comprehend truth which to others were blind. Then the skill of communication is the gift that a poet has to give pleasure for readers by their purified emotions.

          After he said,
"Poet is a man speaking to men."

The reason for it is everyone use common man's language and it was slapped to the other literature era. Thus poet having more comprehensive soul to share feelings without directly but accurately.

"Every great poet is a teacher."
was his final conclusion when he talks about poets and he led to the conclusion of preface as,
"There is no essential difference between process and metrical composition. There only difference is that poetry uses metre."

          However as the result of producing preface to lyrical ballads, many criticism were made behind it. Among them Colridge was the first critic who criticized his language and other many weaknesses. And also H.W Garrod, Derek Roper put critical comments on it. Besides T.S Eliot against with Wordsworth and he said that the rustic language is not based on the class of people if upper class also have rustic people they will also use rustic language. In addition to that Wordsworth's neglection of metre, was considered as the weakest point of the Preface by Garrett. However as the main figure of the period of romantic criticism, William Wordsworth effectively figured out his conception of poetry using "Preface to lyrical ballads."

                   ❤️Tharushi Fernando❤️

Sunday, May 23, 2021

"LORD OF THE FLIES" : Critical Analysis

Author: William Golding

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Golding )

Novel: Lord of the flies

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_of_the_Flies )

Lord of the flies was a unique modern work that focused on authentic matters in 1st half of 20th century. That modern period was an era which considered about,

1. Soul and mind about human being

2. How the individuals are struggling with social phenomena.

It means the focus of important shifted to the individuals in this era.

The author of this book is William Golding who was born in Cornwell England in 1911, was a British writer. This novel which won the Nobel Prize was a fictional novel with dark, violent, and tragic tones. Story was influenced by Goldings’ experiences during WWII because he served in the Royal Navy at that time.

The Coral Island, written by R. M. Ballantyne, a hundred years before the publication of the Lord of the flies in 1857, precursor for this. But due to Golding looked at people in modern perspective while Ballantyne looked at people in romantic perspective Lord of the flies was more popular than the Coral Island.

    The story can read under different aspects and among them one of the most considerable readings is look at the story according to the psychoanalyst theory which introduced by Sigmund Freud. Personality is the factor that determines the nature of each human being. Freud said that personality is made up of three things called ID, EGO, and SUPER EGO. Agreeing with Freud’s theory, William shows that every human has three parts in their mind using the characters of Lord of the flies, which tells about the group of English boys marooned on a tropical island after their plane was shot down during a war. 

          Id is a 100% unconscious mind comes with birth, and infant is a most suitable example for this. Id always tries to satisfy its desires and it is called pleasure principle. Jack Merridew, the antagonist of the novel symbolizes the concept of id. He wishes to operate by the pleasure principle without long term planned as the id. When he wants something he does not care about others and following things can be shown as examples.

   - He allowed the signal fire go out for hunting.

   - Stole Piggy’s glasses

   - Ordered to kill Ralph.

As well as violent, greedy nature, lawless can be seen in Jack.

“Bollocks to the rules! We are strong, we hunt. If there’s a beast, we’ll hunt it down and beat and beat.” 

this quotation shows  he does not help to establish rules and throughout the story we can see how he tries to make boys against Ralph and become a totalitarian leader.

“I ought to be chief.. because I’m chapter chorister and head boy.”

Further, “kill the fig, cut her throat, bash her” shows how he and his hunters behave completely as savages like the id. When Piggy said “shouldn’t fire let” Jack hit him. It implies that id hates to be instructed in morality by the super ego. Because the super ego symbolizes through Piggy and Simon, the fact that Jack is more powerful than the two of them shows that the id can over-  power the super ego. In addition to that the “Saw head” which given to beast also symbolizes the id and it emphasizes that id as a dirty thing with bad smell which inside every human. 

“We are English and the English are the best at everything.” However though they civilized in outside, all humans are same in inside.

  The Ego is the part which operates on reality principle while controlling and try to satisfy both id and superego. The protagonist, 12 years old English boy, Ralph represents the ego. The ego is not completely opposed to the principles of id, but instead tries to satisfy it by agreeing to external conditions. Freud likens the relationship between the id and ego to that of a horseman riding a horse.

Ego is the rational aspect of the mind and Ralph’s rationality exhibits through his role as a leader.

          - he focuses on the idea of being rescued and organizes the fire as a mode of getting attention of a rescue ship.

                - works on building shelters for the members of the tribe.

                - makes rules

     *blow the conch to call the other boys assembly

     *only the boy holding the conch can speak 

  ‘’we can’t have everybody talking at once. We will have to have hands up them I’ll give him the conch.”

‘’we choose those rock right along beyond the bathing pool as a lavatory.”

 Furthermore when Ralph elected as the chief he understood how it will effect on jack and therefore he gave the control of the choir to Jack.  After Piggy’s death it seems like Ralph would be easy to destroy without Piggy; ego can be destroyed easily without a powerful super ego.

  Super ego is a human’s morals and ethics which follow moral principles. And it is our inner voice, telling us to do the right thing. Super ego is divided into two parts: the ego ideal and conscience.

  Conscience means what your brain registers as wrong. These are often forbidden things and doing them can result in punishment or a feeling of guilt inside us. Piggy always tries to recreate the society that they had at home and school while representing this aspect.

“My Auntie wouldn’t let me blow on account of my asthma.”

Piggy is the voice of reason but he only able to do things with Ralph’s help. Like that super ego can active only through the ego. Always Piggy gives advices to Ralph regarding right things as an angle on a human’s one shoulder. Finally Piggy’s death suggests that intellectualism is vulnerable to brutality. 

  Ego ideals means what your brain registers as what you should do or what is right to do. Simon’s good behavior is a good instance for this, including,

   - Picking fruits for the littluns

   - wanted to maintain a sense of civilization

   - giving Piggy his share of meet when Jack wouldn’t

   - continues to work even after everyone stops

Because of these reasons his moral nature lives on through the boys even after his death as the super ego can shine a person. He is the only one who identified that true beast is in the inside the boys.

“You know, didn’t you…” The lord of the flies tells him, it is impossible to destroy evil because it lives deep within the human heart.

  As the conclusion, looking at the story from a psychological view, we can see that all three aspects are contained in every human being, and that the emergence of Id, and super ego are more or less happening through the intervention of the ego. However William Golding successfully interprets that Freud’s theory using his novel Lord of the flies.


                           ❤️Tharushi Fernando❤️