Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Woman ❤️


                 The verb survive is the most suitable word for the noun: "Woman" 🧍‍♀️ Whether she is born with a higher or lower status, woman steadily means woman. Through Making others happier and looking after them you become a Guardian to the whole world. Then why you cannot be your own Guardian as a woman? 🧐

 If you are lamenting about your  present, your past or even about your future without any gaurd for your situations or mentality, what will be the name woman mean for the world? 🤔

The wonder is every woman possesses two spirits; positive and negative whether she likes it or not. But the most feeded spirit always comes out and become powerful in each and every moment.

Negative is the evil one that makes her smallest among strongest or biggest and who makes self-pity about her ownself. If you allow it to Roam inside you, it can flat you down, banishe you from yourself and vanishe you as well.

Although the positive one turns you and makes you unique. 

It's not easy to be unique.

👸👸👸👸👸👸👸👸     But.....

 strongest women easily shine and become unique, just like  cactus plants which survive throughout its' lifetime though it  lives in a callous desert.

So ❤️ try to become a cactus plant. đŸŒĩđŸŒĩ

Convert your pain in to  your airplane. ✈️



Monday, June 22, 2020



Violet colour clouds,
Passed over the hundreds of heads.
The Cows
Asserting the Identity of the place
The pigeons
Showing their tyranny with dropping
Carried me back - through 4 years.

She is sitting on a bench,
Near Dr. Rajendran Block
With family members
But know nothing.

Hey you!

Are you still here!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

The repenting mother.

Natella ….. The Repenting Mother….

To :.........

Aniko has bought the front house
And has rubbed the Caucasian chalk on its walls.
Oh! all things became to reflect on walls
Now, this is not the time to fear
Please keep this with my tear….

I realized you are the mother
Who can feed my son!
I wanted to get my dividcle
Through my baby Michael
But finally it was a circle…

You gave up your family,
You gave up your youthfulness
You gave up your Simon,
You gave up your everything,
To protect my destitute Michael.
But what did I?

You proved us that, love means
“ Giving up “

So Grusha, I repent about my sin
You are the mother Michael can win ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Ever loving,
‘’ The repenting  Mother of Michael” 


āˇ€ෙāˇƒ් āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු

āˇ€ෙāˇƒ් āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු  đŸ‘š️đŸ‘ē

           āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļšිāˇ€්āˇ€ āļœāļ¸āļą් āļ¸āļ­āļš් āˇ€ෙāļą්āļąේ, āļ…āļ¸්āļļāļŊāļą්āļœොāļŠ.
           āļ‡āļ­්āļ­āļ§āļ¸ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢු āļ­ිāļēෙāļą්āļąෙ āļ…āļ¸්āļļāļŊංāļœොāļŠ āˇ€ිāļ­āļģāļ¸āļ¯?? 🤔 āļ‰āļą්āļą āļœāļ¸āļą් āļ´ොāļŠ්āļŠāļš් āļ¸ූāļĢāļ§ āļ­āļ§්āļ§ුāˇ€āļš් āļ¯ාāļŊා āļļāļŊāļą්āļą āˇƒැāļļෑ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢāļ§ āļ‹āļŠිāļą් āļ¯ාāļœāļ­්āļ­ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļšීāļēāļšāļ§ āļ’ āļ­āļ§්āļ§ුāˇ€ āˇ€ැāļ¯ෙāļąāˇ€āļ¯ āļšිāļēāļŊා... 😊

āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āļĸීāˇ€ිāļ­ āļšාāļŊෙāļ¯ි āļ‘āļš āļ‘āļš āļˇූāļ¸ිāļšා āļģāļœāļ´ාāļąāˇ€ා. āļ’ āˇ„ැāļ¸ āļˇූāļ¸ිāļšාāˇ€āļšāļ§āļ¸ āļ‘āļšāļ¸ āļ´ෙāļąුāļ¸ āļœැāļŊāļ´ෙāļą්āļąෙ āļąැāļ­ි āļąිāˇƒා āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ් āˇ€ෙāļąāˇƒ් āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļ´āļŊāļ¯ිāļąāˇ€ා. āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ¸ āļšāļģāļŊා āļšාāļŊāļēāļš් āļēāļ¯්āļ¯ි āļ…āļ´ිāļ§ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļ¯ාāļœāļ­්āļ­ා āļšිāļēāļŊා āļ…āļ¸āļ­āļš āˇ€ෙāļŊා āļēāļąāˇ€ා. āˇƒāļ¸āˇ„āļģු āļ‹āˇ€āļ¸āļąාāˇ€ෙāļą්āļ¸ āļ…āļ¸āļ­āļš āļšāļģāļŊා āļ¯ාāļąāˇ€ා. āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļšොāļ§āˇƒāļš් āļ¸āļ­āļš් āļšāļģāļŊāļ¸ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢු āļœāļŊāˇ€āļŊා āļ¯ාāļąāˇ€ා. āļ…āļąිāļ­් āļšොāļ§āˇƒ āˇ„ොāļ¯ āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ාāļąෙāļšිāļą්āļ¸ āļ¯ාāļœāļ­්āļ­ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢු maintain āļšāļģāļąāˇ€ා. āļ”āļą්āļą āļ”āļē āļšාāļģāļĢා āļąිāˇƒා āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āˇ€āļģ්āļœ āļ­ුāļąāļšāļ§ āˇ€ෙāļą්āˇ€ුāļĢා.
āˇƒුāļ¯ු, āļšāļŊු āˇƒāˇ„ āļ…āļŊු!!

āļ’ āļšාāļģāļĢාāˇ€āļ§ āˇ„ොāļŗ āļ‹āļ¯ාāˇ„āļģāļĢāļēāļš් āˇƒāļģāļ ්āļ āļą්āļ¯්‍āļģāļēāļą්āļœේ āļ¸āˇ…āļœිāļē āļ‡āļ­්āļ­ෝ āļąāˇ€āļšāļ­ාāˇ€. āļšāļ­ාāˇ€ේ āļ‘āļš āļ­ැāļąāļšāļ¯ි āļ¯ෙāˇ€ොāļą්āļ¯āļģා āˇƒං āļšිāļēāļ­ෝāˇ€āļ§ āļēāļą්āļą āļšāļŊිāļą් āļąොāļģිāļšෝ āļ‘āļš්āļš, āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļ¯ෙāļšāļš් āˇ„ුāˇ€āļ¸ාāļģු āļšāļģāļœāļą්āļąāˇ€ා. āļ­āļ¸āļą්āļœේ āļēāļ§ිāˇ„ිāļ­ āļŠāļģ්āˇ‚්‍āļēාāˇ€ෙāļą් āˇ„ා āļąāļ´ුāļģුāļšāļ¸ිāļą් āļ´ිāļģිāļŊා āļšිāļēāļŊා āļ¯ෙāˇ€ොāļą්āļ¯āļģා āļąොāļģිāļšොāļ§ āļļිāˇ„ිāˇƒුāļĢු āļ´ෙāļąුāļ¸āļš් āļ­ිāļēෙāļą āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢāļš් āļ…āļģāļą් āļ¯ුāļą්āļąāļ­් āļąොāļģිāļšෝ āļ”āˇ„ුāļ§ āļ­ෑāļœි āļšāļģāļą්āļąේ āˇƒෞāļ¸්‍āļē āļ´ෙāļąුāļ¸āļš් āļ­ිāļēෙāļą āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢāļš්. āļ’āļ­් āļ…āˇ€āˇƒාāļąāļēāļ§ āˇƒැāļļෑ āļ­āļ­්āˇ€āļē āļąොāļšිāļēාāļ¸ āļąොāļģිāļšෝ āļ¯ීāļ´ු āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢ, āļ´āˇƒෙāļšිāļą් āļ­ිāļēāļŊා āļ”āˇ„ු āļąිāļ¯ිāļ´ෙāļ­ි āļļොāļą්āļą āļ­ීāļģāļĢāļē āļšāļģāļą්āļąෙ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢෙ āļ­ිāļļුāļĢ  āˇƒෞāļ¸්‍āļē āļļāˇ€ āˇƒැāļļෑ āļŊෝāļšෙāļ¯ි āļˆ āļ­ුāļŊිāļą් āļ”āˇ„ුāļ§ āļąොāļ¯ැāļąුāļą āļąිāˇƒා.
āļ’ āļšāļ­ාāˇ€āļ§ āļ´්‍āļģāˇ€ිāˇ්āļ§āļēāļš්.

āļ¸ීāļ§ āļ…āˇ€ුāļģුāļ¯ු 15āļšāļ§ āˇ€ිāļ­āļģ āļšāļŊිāļą් āļ¸āļœේ āļœුāļģුāļ¯ෙāˇ€ිāļēෙāļš්āļœෙāļą් āļŊැāļļුāļąා āļ…āļ´ූāļģු āļ­ෑāļœි āļ´ාāļģ්āˇƒāļŊāļēāļš්. āļ’āļšෙ āļ­ිāļļ්āļļේ āļ”āˇ„ුāļœේ āļ´ුāļ­ා āļ´ුංāļ ි  āļšාāļŊāļēේ āļšිāļēāˇ€āļ´ු āļœොāļŠāļš් āļ´ැāļģāļĢි, āļ”āˇ„ු āļšුāļŠා āļšාāļŊāļēේ āļ‘āļšāļ­ු āļšāļģāļ´ු, āļ¸ේ āˇ€ෙāļ¯්āļ¯ි āļ¸ුāļ¯්‍āļģāļĢāļē āļąොāˇ€āļą āˇ…āļ¸ා āļšāļ­ා āļ´ොāļ­් 40āļš් 50āļš් āˇ€ිāļ­āļģ. āļ’ āļ‘āļš āļ´ොāļ­āļš āļ­ිāļļ්āļļ āļšāļ­ාāˇ€āļš් āļšෙāļ§ිāļēෙāļą් āļ¸ං āļ‹āļ´ුāļ§ාāļœāļą්āļąāˇ€ා.

āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āˇ€ාāˇƒāļē āļšāļģāļą āļœāļ¸āļšුāļēි, āļŠāļ§ āļ‘āˇ„ාāļēිāļą් āˇ€ිāˇාāļŊ āļšāļ¯ු āˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļ´ිāļģුāļĢු āļšැāļŊෑāˇ€āļšුāļēි, āļ’ āļ¯ෙāļš āļ…āļ­āļģ āļœොāļŊ්āˇ†් āļ´ිāļ§්āļ§āļąිāļēāļšුāļēි āļ­ිāļļුāļĢා. āļ¸ේ āļšāļ­ාāˇ€ āļœෙāļ­ිāļŊා āļ­ිāļļ්āļļේ āļ…āļģ āļ­ිāļēෙāļąāˇ€ා āļšිāˇ€ුāˇ€ āļšැāļŊේ āļ‰āļ¯āļ´ු āļąāļģිāļēෙāļš් āˇ€āļ§ා. āļ¸ේ āļąāļģිāļēා āˇ„ැāļ¸āļ¯ාāļ¸ āļ‹āļ¯ේāļ¸ āļ…āˇ€āļ¯ිāˇ€ෙāļŊා āļ‘āļēා āļĸීāˇ€āļ­් āˇ€ුāļą "āļąāļģිāļēා āļšāļą්āļ¯" āļšිāļēāļą āļšāļą්āļ¯ෙāļą් āļļැāˇ„ැāļŊා āļœොāļŊ්āˇ†් āļ´ිāļ§්āļ§āļąිāļēේ āļ¸ාāļēිāļ¸āļ§ āļ‡āˇ€ිāļ­් āˇ„ැංāļœිāļŊා, āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āļœොāļŊ්āˇ†් āļœāˇ„āļą āˇ„ැāļ§ි āˇ„āļģිāļ¸ āļ†āˇƒාāˇ€ෙāļą් āļļāļŊāļą් āļ‰āļą්āļąāˇ€ා. āļ‘āļēාāļœේ āļ‘āļšāļ¸ āļ†āˇƒාāˇ€ āˇ€ුāļĢේ āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āˇ€āļœේ āļœොāļŊ්āˇ†් āˇƒෙāļŊ්āļŊāļ¸් āļšāļģāļą āļ‘āļš. āļšාāļŊāļēāļš් āļēāļ¯්āļ¯ි āļ¸ේ āļąāļģිāļēāļ§ āļŊැāļļුāļĢු āˇ€āļģāļēāļš් āˇ€āļœේ āļ¯ෙāļēāļšිāļą් āļ‘āļēාāļ§ āļ´ුāļŊුāˇ€āļą් āˇ€ෙāļąāˇ€ා āļ•āļš් āļšොāˇ…āļēāļš් āļ”āļŊුāˇ€ āļ‹āļŠිāļą් āļ­ිāļēāļŊා "āļšිං āļ´ොං āļ­ාං" āļšිāļēāļŊා āļ¸āļą්āļ­්‍āļģāļēāļš් āļšිāļēāļŊා āļ¸āļąුāˇƒ්āˇƒāļēෙāļš් āˇ€ෙāļą්āļą. āļ‘āˇ„ෙāļ¸ āļ¸āļąුāˇƒ්āˇƒāļēෙāļš් āˇ€ුāļąාāļ¸ āļ‘āļēාāļœේ āļąāļ¸ "āļšොāļą්āļšිāļ ් āļšāļą්āļ¯ේ āļœෙāļ¯āļģ"  (āļšāļ­ා āļ´ොāļ­āļ§ āļēොāļ¯āļŊා āļ­ිāļļුāļą āļąāļ¸). āļ¸ේ āļšොāļą්āļšිāļ ් āļšāļą්āļ¯ේ āļœෙāļ¯āļģ āļ”āļē āˇ€ිāļ¯ිāļēāļ§ āļšāļģāļŊා āļąිāļ­āļģāļ¸ āļœāļ¸āļ§ āļœිāˇ„ිāļą් āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු āļ‘āļš්āļš āļœොāļŊ්āˇ†් āļœāˇ„āļą්āļą āļ´āļ§āļą් āļœāļ­්āļ­ා. āˇ„ැāļļැāļēි āˇƒූāļ§් āļļූāļ§් āļœāˇ„āļœෙāļą āļ¸āļąුāˇƒ්āˇƒāļēෙāļš් āˇ€āļœේ āļ…āļąිāļ­් āļ…āļē āļ‘āļš්āļš āˇƒෙāļŊ්āļŊāļ¸් āļšāļŊāļ­් āļ¸ෙāļēාāļœෙ āļ´ෙāļąුāļ¸ āļąāļģිāļēෙāļš් āˇ€āļœේ āļšිāļēāļŊා āˇ„ැāļ¸ෝāļ¸ āļšොāļą්āļšිāļ ්āļ§ āˇ„ිāļąා āˇ€ෙāļą්āļą āļœāļ­්āļ­ා. āļ…āļą්āļ­ිāļ¸ේ āļ’ āˇ„ිāļąා āˇ€āļŊිāļą් āˇ„ිāļ­ āļģිāļ¯āˇ€āļœāļą්āļą āļ¸ේ āļąāļģිāļēා āļ­ීāļģāļĢāļē āļšāļģāļąāˇ€ා āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒුāļą්āļœෙāļą් āļˆāļ­් āˇ€ෙāļŊා āļąāļģිāļēෙāļš් āˇ€ිāļ¯ිāļēāļ§āļ¸ āļšැāļŊෑāˇ€āļ§ āˇ€ෙāļŊා āļĸීāˇ€āļ­් āˇ€ෙāļą්āļą.

āļšāļ­ාāˇ€ෙ āˇ€āļœේāļ¸ āˇƒāļ¸āˇ„āļģ āļ…āˇ€āˇƒ්āļŽා āˇ€āļŊāļ¯ි āļ…āļ´ිāļ§ āˇƒිāļ¯්āļ° āˇ€ෙāļąāˇ€ා āļ…āļąāˇ€āˇ්‍āļē āļˇූāļ¸ිāļšා āļģāļœāļ´ාāļą්āļą āļœිāˇ„ිāļą් āļ…āļ¸āļ­āļš āļąොāˇ€āļą āļ´ාāļŠāļ¸් āļ‰āļœෙāļą āļœāļą්āļą. āˇ„ැāļļැāļēි āļ­āˇ€ āˇ€ෙāļŊාāˇ€āļšāļ§ āļ¸ෙāˇ„ෙāļ¸āļ­් āˇ„ිāļ­ෙāļąāˇ€ා; āļļාāˇ„ිāļģ āļ†āļ§ෝāļ´āļēāļą්āļœෙāļą් āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ් āļĸීāˇ€ිāļ­ āˇ€āļŊ āˇ€āļ§ිāļąාāļšāļ¸ āļ¸āļąිāļą āļēුāļœāļēāļš, āļšෙāļąෙāļš් āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු āļ´āļŊāļŗāļąāˇ€ා āļšිāļēāļą āļ‘āļš āļœැāļą, āļ¯ැāļą āˇ„ෝ āļąොāļ¯ැāļą āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢු maintain āļšāļģāļą āļ­āˇ€ āļšෙāļąෙāļš් āˇ€āļ¯ āˇ€ෙāļą්āļą āļ•āļą āļąැāˇ„ැ āļąේāļ¯ āļšිāļēāļŊāļ­්.

āļ’ āļšොāļēිāļš āˇ€ුāļąāļ­්,
āļ¸ේ āļŊෝāļšේ āˇƒැāļļෑ āļ¸ුāˇ„ුāļĢිāļą්āļ¸ āˇ€ිāļ­āļģāļš් āļ‰āļą්āļą āļ­āļąි āˇƒුāļ¯ු āˇ„ෝ āļšāļŊු āļ…āļē āļ…āļŊ්āļ´āļēි āˇ€āļœේāļ¸ āļ…āļ´ි āˇ„ැāļ¸āļšෙāļąෙāļš්āļ¸ āˇ€āļœේ, āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļ…āļēāļœේ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢු āˇ€āļŊāļ§ āļģැāˇ€āļ§ුāļĢ, āļ­āˇ€āļ­් āļ…āļēāˇ€ āļ…āļ´ේ āˇ€ෙāˇƒ්āļ¸ූāļĢු āˇ€āļŊිāļą් āļģāˇ€āļ§්āļ§āļą් āļ­āļ¸ āļ­āļ¸āļą් āˇƒාāļ°ාāļģāļĢීāļē āļšāļģāļĢāļē āļšāļģ āļœāļą්āļą, āˇƒාāļ°ාāļģāļĢ āļ¸ිāļąිāˇƒ්āˇƒු!
